Online Crm You are looking for an online CRM? Cloud software is on the rise and is becoming increasingly popular. In particular, when data is to be available for mobile devices, playing an online CRM from its advantages. The trend towards the use of online CRM software does not break off. More and more CRM users recognize the opportunities offered by the Internet and use web-based software. Our CRM has been developed from the ground up as a pure online CRM, because the advantages of web-based software solutions for us are obvious. Small businesses without large IT department, they offer the chance to use professionally a CRM system without great technical effort. Find out what you can expect from an online CRM. What is Online CRM? In conventional CRM systems, the software and all the data on their own local machines were installed and stored directly in the company. This not only requires that you as a company for the establishment and operation of such server has the appropriate IT infrastructure, but also that one is dependent on the data only in the company itself. To access the data in Online Crm can also be accessed on the road, it requires additional web server and device synchronization. With online CRM solutions on the other hand, both software itself and the collected data are locally stored on external servers in the so-called –cloud-. These are servers that could theoretically be in the world. From there, all data on the Internet are accessed. As a business owner and customer you need to nothing more than a web-enabled device and a web browser (Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer). Then reports you to a web page, like you probably know it by his e-mail provider. What are the advantages of Online CRM in the cloud? In particular, small companies and self-employed come with an online CRM to enjoy a professionally developed and operated software solution. By using the standard solution one attains the benefits of high availability and scalability without the need to make large investments in hardware or personnel. In daily use convince Online CRM systems and cloud computing with the following 2 points. High availability and mobility of CRM data As can be purely local software used only from the office computer or your network, an online CRM is worldwide and available from any Internet-capable device, including mobile phone or tablet PC. Just for employees in the field, it is extremely convenient if you always have access to their data. How again was the contact person? Who has last spoken with the customer? What was on offer? If this information is in the cloud, they are available online within seconds, whether in the office, at a trade show or on the way to the customer. Our CRM specifically provides a fast and optimized for mobile devices view for this purpose. No IT expertise required Especially small businesses want continuously deal with network technology, installations or updates – software should work especially. Our CRM is ready to go with the account creation after less than 60 seconds. The online CRM is offered as -Software as a Service- (SaaS). This means we as your CRM provider will take care of everything and keep the software up to date, secure and develop them permanently on. No complicated installation, no more manual updates. In addition, the software is not customized to each company, but is already a very well thought out standard process before. Especially small companies come up with based (sales) processes usually much better deal than with the adaptations of complex and locally installed systems.